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Installing Gemsoft Treasure Jewelry Software
This section defines the installation requirements and explains how to:
- Verify your system installation requirements
- Run the Setup program.
- Configure your printers
- Input your company information
- Input your vendor information
- Input your customer information
- Input your inventory
Install Gemsoft Treasure Jewelry Software
You can start the installation program at anytime by placing the Gemsoft
Treasure installation CD in your CD/DVD drive and double
clicking on Gemsoft Treasure setup program.
You can also download the setup program from here.
This chapter will help you setup Gemsoft Treasure and input your information for the first time. The steps you will follow are:
1. Select your printers for Gemsoft Treasure.
2. Input your Company information.
3. Configure basic setup.
After installation, Gemsoft Treasure jewelry software will create a shortcut icon on your Window’s Desktop. You can right click on the icon and pin it to your task-bar for ease of access.
Double click to start the program. Enter the default password TR and press SIGN IN. Later on in the SETUP screen, you will change this default password.

On the menu bar click on the printer icon and select your printers. It is advised to have all your printers setup beforehand.
Gemsoft Treasure needs you to select which printers to use for the different functions, such as bar-code printing, cash Register Receipts, Reports, etc. The printers you have installed on your computer will now be available for selection. You can select one printer for multiple functions, but you must select a printer for each function.
If you have barcode printer(s) attached, you will need to configure those in Windows Printers & Devices Printing Preferences.

If you have a receipt printer (Epson TM88, Citizen, etc.), you will check the box for that option. Most modern POS cash registers are controlled by the printer they are connected to. In most cases you do not need select this option but the feature is there in case you are using an older printer and cash drawer.
Show preview before printing gives you an option to preview your document (invoice, memo, etc.) before printing.
Click “Done” once you have finished configuring your printer.